Monday, June 11, 2012


A Volleyball/Cornhole Tournament to benefit the Moran Family's fight against cancer has been scheduled on Saturday, June 30th at Captain Bill's Backyard Grill.  Joe Moran was recently diagnosed with a rare cancer, HSCT sarcoma, Hyalinizing Spindle Cell Tumor with giant rosettes and metastasis to the lungs and lymph nodes. Hope and Joe were local residents of Wilmington, NC for 20+ years. Joe has been employed with Corning for 16 years and recently took a position within the company that required him to move to New York State. The two of them have three young children, Joseph, Claire and Molly Kate.

Please contact Dana Starling if you are interested in playing in, or sponsoring this community event:

4'S Co-ed Volleyball
A, B & C Divisions, check-in at 8:30 am, 2 males/2 females, $100 per team ($120 day of)


2 person teams, check-in at 11:00 am, $50 per team

Prize Raffles, 50/50 Raffles, Kid's Activities

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