Monday, March 26, 2012


Dear Neighbors,
It looks like the developer is proceeding with his proposed development as presented in December at public information meetings. I am opposed like many of you, to the development of an apartment complex along Futch Creek Road. It will drive our property values down even more. It will add an additional 500+ cars to Futch Creek Road daily. I don't think that is a wise move and add more problems and congestion to the already congested traffic in our area. The developer is planning to push their agenda through to the County Commissioners on April 12th and if we don't STAND UP against these guys and fight for our community and its surrounding area, we will be the ones dealing with the repercussions for years to come. Please join me at this meeting. We will be sending out more info and strategy as it becomes available.

Thank you!
Marty Michaelson
* questions or want more info, email me:

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