Monday, May 18, 2009


Congratulations Bob & Lance!!!

Saturday's Cornhole Tournament could not have been more fun - the weather MIRACULOUSLY held out for us, competition on the boards was fierce and the number of neighbors and friends who came out to show support on Armed Forces Day was outstanding! And wouldn't you know it...Coach Bob took home yet another trophy. Swear, as soon as he donned Gordon's "hair hat" there was no turning back. Congrats to Bob's partner Lance Conner who is the proud owner of his very first cornhole trophy, which is hopefully being prominently displayed somewhere in his home (with Tracie's permission of course).

A big thanks to DJ Rick Ruiz for spinnin' the tunes and to Peter Murray for emceeing the tournament. And an especially huge thank you to all of our military neighbors who serve our country and keep us safe. Our gratitude is enormous and we are so proud to have you and your families in Vineyard Plantation!

Check out a bunch of photos from the tournament:

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